Ram Leather Care

Info and Tips

Bringing life back to a Pelle jacket

There’s an Art to Cleaning Designer Jackets

Athletic jackets, team jackets, motocross and race car suits, high school letter jackets; we clean thousands of them annually. Dry cleaners often send us these sometimes difficult-to-clean treasures. The difficulties rest in their contrasting colors that butt up to one another. Certain dyes used on the leathers can bleed, but because of our extensive knowledge,

There’s an Art to Cleaning Designer Jackets Read More »

Stains that can damage leather

Certain substances actually eat into leather skins and can cause permanent damage. In order to properly treat these stains to avoid permanent damage, it is important for you to advise us before cleaning.  For instance, we may need to avoid pressing a garment which could cause a “burn” (see below). Damage caused by these substances

Stains that can damage leather Read More »