[pullquote2 quotes=”true” align=”right”]I’ve loved these boots since I splurged on them years ago. They’ve been my favorite winter footwear. I was crushed when they became so beat up I was embarrassed to wear them. Never dreamed they could be restored like this! Good price, too. ~ Andrea[/pullquote2]
Leather Boots Get Salute
It’s not often we get to see the reaction of Ram Leather Care customers when their designer boots are returned to them sparkling clean and refinished. We sent our photographer to Andrea’s work place to hand deliver her boots so we could record her response. We hope all of our customers feel as she did.
The die from jeans transfers to designer boots over time. Some of it becomes embedded in the finish. It’s not possible to remove all of it without damaging the leather, but we’re able to make it much less noticeable. We can also change the color entirely, if you prefer. Opague color can hide it. [/one_third]
[one_third]Scuffed toes happen. There’s not way to avoid it as you trudge through snow and ice. Salt is a killer and you need to remove it as home as soon as you can. Left on your leather shoes will eventually “burn” them causing damage we cannot repair. Andrea’s boots were well cared for so no salt damage was evident.[/one_third]
[one_third]The heels of boots get caked in dirt and salt when you drive. The carpet in your car becomes saturated with a mix of can soak them. If you remember to wipe your boots clean when you remove them at the end of your day, we can bring them back to peak condition when we clean them.[/one_third]
[one_third]Expert leather cleaning and refinishing can extend the life of boots and well as bring back their luster. The leather can become more pliable and resistant to the elements. Annual cleaning can preserve your cherished boots for years to come. [/one_third]
Your boots will be returned in a plastic tote you might want to keep for your designer boots in your closet or car trunk.